How Can An Australian Private Detective Help You?

Australian private detective


An Australian Private Detective Can Do More Than You Might Not Be Aware Of


When you think of a typical Australian private detective agency , you’ll likely have certain images conjured up in your mind, with people in trench coats, fedora hats and dark glasses hanging around on street corners. The reality of what a modern-day private investigator  does for its clients is very, very different – although we admit there is some hanging around on street corners!


Rather than being some kind of back-street, shady organisation that people turn to as a last resort, the Australian private detective  industry has changed so much over recent years. There are strict licensing requirements for a legitimate business and individual so make sure you ask for this information from whoever you might decide on. So, in the interests of raising awareness of the kind of thing you could turn to an Australian private detective for for, here we look at just that.


Protecting Businesses


The first thing a private investigator  can help with is protecting businesses of all sizes. Whether talking about looking into potential espionage or running background checks on potential employees, professional PIs can get the root of whatever issue your business is having. this is usually carried out by a mixture of database research and field surveillance – most cases are solved using these time-honoured methods of investigation.


Relationship Issues


An investigator can assist in gathering evidence relating to potential relationship issues. how often have you heard that a person accused their partner of cheating, and the partner says “You’re crazy, no I’m not“. This happens all the time. The best way to sort this out is to have a professional get the proof of this infidelity or the peace of mind that it isn’t happening as you thought.


Finding People


This is bread and butter work for a good Australian private detective.  we spend hours on the computer every day looking through a swathe of information sources to find that elusive debtor, ex-flame, or long-lost family member.  and then there are the cases from the opposing angle – true “missing persons” – we’ll get out there looking for them in a true gumshoe fashion.


Helping to Protect Your Children


If you’re looking for a way to ensure that the nanny you hired is doing a great job, then a PI can help you and not just by using a nanny cam. An investigator can look into the past of your nanny and even find out how they’re doing in their present role, giving you the reassurance that your children are getting the best care possible.


Maintaining Transparency During Divorce Proceedings


Another area in which an Australian private detective agency can provide a valuable service is during divorce proceedings – particularly when children are involved. They can guarantee that both sides are adhering to any custody agreements that exist and are also legally permitted to provide photograph-based evidence in court. Many a case involving children involves some spite by either one of the parents and children can be withheld by a parent or palmed off on to other family members against court-mandated current custody agreements. Investigators had documented these breaking of the arrangements and help a court assess a fairer outcome for the children involved.


Stopping Stalkers In their Tracks


Australian private detective agency services can also be used when someone decides to start stalking or otherwise harassing you. For example, if you keep getting calls that hang up straight away or where the caller stays silent on the phone time and again, a PI can use technology to trace the number and get to the bottom of who’s causing your problems. Or the harassment might be away from technology and involve literal physical stalking of an individual. Police struggle to act in these cases as they need a level of proof before they can investigate stalking cases – this is where a PI comes in.  We don’t need a lot of evidence in these cases, just enough for the police to take your claims seriously.


Help With Legal Cases


Lawyers are typically very busy people, with mountains of paperwork to get through, so they often don’t have the necessary time to gather evidence. That’s another area in which an Australia private detective can help, as they can do all the legwork to uncover what the case needs. The work they do can literally help the case be won. this is from all areas of law including criminal defense proceedings, commercial issues, and family law.


This is Just a Selection…There’s Much More Besides!


So, as you can see, there’s much that a private detective can do to resolve business and personal issues and they’re more affordable than you might think. So, if you’d like to know more about the matters a PI agency can assist with, why not visit us online at today?


Alternatively, if you would like to talk to one of our friendly experts about your precise needs, you can get in touch by calling us on +61 2 9460 4988 .  And of course, we are available by email at almost any time at   We’re ready and waiting to help you in any way we’re able to.



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