Industrial Accident Investigations

industrial accident

Industrial Accident Investigations Using Private Investigators


When serious industrial accidents occur in the workplace, it’s very common for an industrial accident investigation to be conducted after the report is filed. Manufacturing plants and factories are often hazardous places to work, but it’s still the responsibility of the employer to ensure that safety standards are maintained and this is one of the elements that a private detective agency can assist with.

The Definition of An Industrial Accident

Perhaps the most prevalent reason for industrial accidents is heavy machinery, however, falls, slips and construction site injuries are also quite common causes. When these unfortunate instances occur, a full insurance investigation is carried out to ensure that the policyholder (the employer) is protected and has done nothing to invalidate any claims made.

These insurance investigations aren’t typically designed to help a claimant receive any compensation that’s due, rather it’s to verify the veracity of the employer claim, in addition to determining how much of the liability fault of the industrial accident lays at the feet of the employer. That said, if there is any suspicion that the employer hasn’t met it’s safety obligations, a private investigator  can be called in.


How Industrial Accidents Affect Everyone

There’s no getting around the fact that industrial accidents can be extremely traumatic to both sides, so it’s little wonder that private detectives  are often brought in by both workers and the companies that employ them. The person injured (a.k.a. The plaintiff) will use a PI to find out if any unsafe practices or general negligence contributed to the event happening.


On the flip side, the aforementioned insurance investigators may try and prove that the employee was the sole cause of their injury, clearly to remove their client (the employer) from liability. The eventual outcome of proceedings will depend largely on the work carried out by private investigators representing each party, as without the information they provide, no lawsuits can be pursued.


Other Considerations That Need to Be Made


A lot rides on the efforts of private detectives in cases like these, as it can have huge ramifications for the company and individual in question. For the company, a claim for safety negligence could cost them millions in compensation, putting the very existence of the business under threat. Every worker employed by the company also has their livelihoods riding on the outcome.


For the employee, it could drastically alter the course of their lives, with long periods out of work or even an inability to ever work again possible. Medical costs alone can put anyone’s financial health under huge pressure, with any payout often representing the difference between safety and destitution. In every sense, a private detective can be a huge advantage in this kind of situation.


Need Help With an Industrial Injury? Get In Touch!


So, as we can see, private investigators can be of great help in industrial accident injury cases and that’s on top of all of the other ways in which they can help. A private eye is able to work on your behalf and get to the facts that can turn the tide in the favor of the business or the employee, the costs incurred are usually greatly outweighed by the benefits they bring.


If you would like to know how the Integral Investigations or the Corporate Investigations team can help you with your industrial injury problem, then we encourage you to come and take a look around our website, where you’ll be able to find everything you need to know and more. We can be contacted directly by email at


Alternatively, to talk through your options, call us today on 02 9460 4988 and we’ll do everything we can to assist in any way we can.


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