Elder Abuse and the Private Investigator

elder abuse

Elder Abuse – Catching The Perpetrators In the Act

The prevalence of elder abuse in Australia is sadly on the rise, with an increasing number of seniors experiencing it each year. The sad fact is that both family members and those caring in a professional capacity are often the perpetrators of either neglect or abuse to the elderly and if you suspect that it’s happening to someone you know, a private investigator can help to provide evidence.

In this blog, we take a look at some truly astonishing facts about the subject of elder abuse. What we hope to achieve by getting you to read to the end is highlight just how common it is and that hesitating to do something about it should be avoided. A private investigator can help in many matters of the heart and this is another to add to the list.


The Offender is Often the Victim’s Child

When elder abuse issues are looked into by a private detective agency , it’s often someone who’s in a position of trust that’s the perpetrator. Statistics show that in almost 70% of cases, elderly people are being abused by their own children, partly due to the fact family members have greater access to them on a more regular basis.

A staggering 15% of seniors experience some kind of neglect and it can take many forms. Elder abuse can be social, meaning someone cuts them off from their friends and other family members or it could be financial, as bank accounts are accessed and funds mismanaged. It can be a truly heart-breaking crime to witness, as those who are neglecting their loved ones place their own interests over that of a loved one who is relying on them to provide unconditional care.


The Victim is Sometimes Hard to Convince

When it is a child or a close family member, it’s often hard for the victim to acknowledge the fact that any elder abuse is actually taking place. Further to that, sometimes the perpetrators are unaware that their actions are causing any harm to those in their care, so any private investigator involved in a case like this really needs to tread carefully.

Abuse or neglect can also happen as a result of the caregiver in question getting frustrated with an uncooperative patient, so the root causes are many and varied. In every sense, however, it needs to be stopped and this is where a PI can really help. These are the cases that make television headlines and have caused recent legislation changes in the care of our elderly.


Elder Abuse – A  Range of Useful Services

When you reach out to a reputable private detective , you soon realise that there’s much that they can do to help you in these kinds of neglect or  elder abuse cases. First of all, they can run a background check on anyone involved in the care of your parent to see if they have a record for criminal activity of this nature or set up hidden cameras to catch the person in the act. Of course investigators have limits on the information that can access due to Australia’s privacy laws but they do have access to a number of databases that can assist in making a decision on where to place the family member and who their carer may be.

Or they can be employed to provide forensic analysis of signatures and handwriting to see if any documentation such as a last will and testament have been forged or tampered with. A private investigator could also be called in to gather evidence to settle any family dispute about elderly care or used to visually observe a family member to see if any wrongdoing is occurring.


Stopping Bad Situations From Getting Worse

There’s no getting away from the fact that elderly neglect or elder abuse is an awful thing to happen, particularly when it’s carried out against a loved one. When it happens to someone you know, a private detective agency  can be worth its weight in gold, as the situation can be cleared up through the provision of evidence, rather than being allowed to drag on.


At Integral Investigations we’ve been helping Australian families with issues like this for many years, so we know just how distressing and upsetting they can be. However, we have the skills and know-how to provide the answers you need to get to the bottom of any needless suffering your loved one is being subjected to. If you’d like to know more about how we work, then visit us online at www.integralinvestigations.com.au

Alternatively, if you have a pressing matter that you need help with, email us at enquiries@integralinvestigations.com.au at any time, or call us on 02 9460 4988 today and we’ll do our utmost to find a solution to your issue.

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